old adj. (-er; -est; 表示兄弟姊妹关系时用 elder; eldest)。 1.老,上了年纪的,年老的 (opp. young); 衰老的,老迈的;老成的;老练的;熟练的。 2.…岁的;…久的。 3.古时的,古代的 (opp. modern); 古老的,积年的,陈年的,多年来的,旧交的;熟悉的。 4.(opp. new) 过去的,过时的;旧的;破旧的;用旧了的;旧式的,陈腐的。 5.〔口语〕亲爱的,亲密的。 6.〔口语〕极好的〔通常用以加强其他形容词语气〕。 grow [get] old 老起来,上年纪。 How old is he 他多大岁数? He is eighteen years old. 他十八岁。 old in diplomacy 擅长外交。 an old bachelor 老独身汉。 old gaolbird 老囚犯;惯犯。 an old offender 惯犯。 an old friend 老朋友。 an old Oxonian 牛津大学的老校友。 old fashions 旧式。 old iron 废铁。 old jokes 陈腐的俏皮话。 old wine 陈年老酒。 the old country [home] 故乡。 the old thing (老)家伙。 I had a fine old time.〔口语〕过得非常愉快。 an old head on young shoulders 少年老成。 any old thing 〔俚语〕随便什么(东西)。 for an old song 非常便宜地。 for old sake's sake 因老交情。 in old time 在从前。 never too old to learn 活到老学到老;学无止境。 of old standing 多年的,由来已久的。 as old as the hill 很老。 old familiar faces 老相识(的人们)。 O- Lady of Threadneedle Street 〔英国〕 Bank of England 的别名。 old man of the sea 死缠着不走的人。 old ten in the hundred 高利贷。 the good old times (老人们所怀念的)过去。 the old gentleman =the old one 〔口语〕老头儿,父亲。 the old year 去年,就要过去的一年。 n. 1.古时,往时。 2.…岁的人[动物]。 3.[集合词]老年的人们;〔the old〕古物;令人怀念的往事[风俗(等)]。 the men of old 古代的人们。 four-year-olds 四岁的马。 as of old 仍旧,照旧。 from of old 自昔,早就。 in days of old 从前,以前。 of old 从前的,往时的;从前是,(老早)以前是;自古,从老早以前。 old and young=young and old 无论老少。
To her he was , as of old , all that was perfection , personally and mentally 在她的眼里,他无论在形体还是在心灵上,还是像过去一样完美。
Lost among the petticoats , m . venot was his own small self again and smiled as of old 韦诺先生消失在女人们的裙子后边,身子显得更小了,脸上重新露出了笑颜。
Turn thou us unto thee , o lord , and we shall be turned ; renew our days as of old 21耶和华阿,求你使我们向你回转,我们便得回转。求你复新我们的日子,像古时一样。
I could see that as of old their house was a port of call for all the lonely and the lost of the district 我能看到他们的家依旧是那个地方孤独的和无家可归的人的避风港。
But the roll of the drum made the pillaging soldiers not run up at the call as of old , but , on the contrary , run away from the drum 但是鼓声并不能使抢劫的士兵像从前那样跑步集合,他们反而跑得离军鼓更远了。
Tell me , do you love me ? / whisper softly , sweetly , as of old ! / tell me that you love me , / for that ' s the sweetest story ever told 告诉我,你是否爱我?像往日一样柔声甜美地轻轻告诉我。告诉我,你爱我,那是世上一切言语中最甜美的话语。
But though externally all was exactly as of old , the inner relations of all the persons concerned had changed since prince andrey had seen them last 表面上的一切虽然像过去一样,但是自从安德烈公爵离开此地后,这些人的内部关系发生了变化。
It was the same room as of old , with its rosewood furniture and its hangings and chair coverings of figured damask with the large blue flowers on a gray background 这间卧室还是原来的样子,家具全是红木的,壁毯和椅套都是灰底大蓝花的织绵。
I got on to her crib and kissed her : her forehead was cold , and her cheek both cold and thin , and so were her hand and wrist ; but she smiled as of old 我上了她的小床,吻了她一下。她的额头冰冷,两颊也冰冷,而且还很消瘦,她的手和手腕也都冰冷,只有她那微笑依旧。